Mystery job: Clue #7

The other night, my son was complaining about his homework load.  Dad tried to say that he (Dad) had to do homework for 8 hours a day and wasn’t that much worse?  My son said, “Dad, you’re not doing homework, that’s just work.  But you’re right, it’s not fun either.  Work isn’t supposed to be fun.” 

When he said that, I felt a little sad.  He’s already figured out that work is something you do because you have to, not because you enjoy it.  I interjected, “Well, it’s not fun for a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a job doing something you enjoy.  In fact, that’s what you should try to do!”  He answered, “Really? Pumpkin pie, Mom.”  That’s his code word for “tell the truth,” like that was too crazy to be true. 

A lot of people have talked about finding their bliss.  I, like many others, enjoy a lot of different things.  It’s more a matter of figuring out how to use some combination of those passions to support your family.  I’ve done a lot of reading, taken some seminars, and explored several possible avenues as potential “blisses.”  Unfortunately, for one reason or another, none of them have panned out.  I tried teaching at the local community college.  I’ve been offered my old engineering job back.  I’ve volunteered on several projects, including service projects.  I’ve even looked into real estate and stock market investing, right before both crashed.  While the learning was valuable, the end destination was never the magic panacea I was hoping for.   Something was always missing: time with my family, flexibility, stability, service to humanity… 

Baha’u’llah told us that “any work performed in the spirit of service is exalted to the level of worship.”  That could be anything from mopping floors to running a mega-corporation.  As long as the work is done to the utmost of one’s ability, with the attitude towards that work being one of wanting to improve the lot of humanity, then it is just as praiseworthy as going to Church, or sitting in meditation, praying.  I decided I wanted to find a job that lets me serve humanity in some fashion, preferably directly through the Baha’i Faith. 

Elsewhere, I’ve listed the requirements of “my perfect job,” including that it must “engage my passions.” As long as those passions are engaged, I will have a job that I can look forward to doing, rather than doing it because I must.  Serving humanity is one those passions.  I really want to do something that will make the world a better place, in a rather concrete, tangible way, and will hopefully outlast my little time here on earth. 

And that is Clue #7: My new career will allow me to serve humanity through the Baha’i Faith.

Mystery job: Clue #5

I’m a mom.  I have two fabulous kids whose adorableness enticed me to give up a big, fat paycheck just to stay home with them.  Power suits gave way to playdates.  Sit down restaurants gave way to drive-thrus and happy meals.  High speed Internet gave way to dial up (ack!). 

Wait a minute, what was I thinking? 

Oh yeah, I was thinking about sleeping past 5am.  I was thinking about hanging out with my kids, watching them grow and learn and change.  I was thinking about my life’s priorities.  And I haven’t regretted my decision for a moment.  (Disclaimer: I am in no way implying that my decision is the right decision for everyone, merely that it worked well for me.)

Fast forward to today. 

My kids are in school full time, leaving me with a bit of time on my hands.  Time which could be spent earning a paycheck.  I tried teaching a Communication course at the local community college.  But although I loved teaching, the grading load killed me.  My little part time job, with its little part time paycheck,  had me telling my kids “Sorry, Mommy can’t play right now.  I have to grade papers.”  I retired after two semesters. 

In pondering my next career move, I was determined to think it through more carefully.  My next job (and I would have another job, or so I was informed) would need to allow for total flexibility.  It had to let me set my own hours (when the kids are in school or asleep), and also let me take off whenever the kids are off (for holidays, summer break, or sickness).  I was completely inflexible about this: my next job had to have complete flexibility.

And that’s your  next clue:  My new career will allow me total and complete flexibility in setting my schedule.

Mystery Job: Clue #2

I discovered something surprising while I was writing my thesis: I love to learn.  And when I say love, I mean LOVE love LOVE!  It’s funny that I made it all the way through my undergrad degree and almost all the way through my Master’s degree before making this rather startling discovery about myself. 

I also learned that when I’m not learning something new, I feel distracted, bored,  and unchallenged.  I actually get a little crabby. 

I quit my job at Motorola to take care of my kids full time, except that I was also in the midst of getting my Master’s.  And having already passed my comprehensive exams, with only a thesis standing in my way, there was NO WAY I was going to quit.  So I plowed on through, and had the most rewarding experience of my life to date.  I discovered the love of learning. 

When I graduated that May, with my youngest child scheduled to start school in the fall.  I started to get really worried.  I had a learning addiction to feed!  I couldn’t possibly let my extremely fit brain go all flabby, I needed to keep exercising it!  So I did what anyone would do:  I voluntarily wrote a research paper with my former committee chair for submission to a journal.  And I joined Toastmasters.   BTW, that article was accepted “with no revisions,” and I was president of my club a year after joining. 

And that is your second clue: I love to learn.  
My new career promises to keep me learning and growing for a good long time.

Yet another blog

Today, another as yet unremarkable blog makes its debut in the blogosphere.  I am struck by the optimistic futility roiling within me, hoping that someone someday will read my words, resigned to the fact that only a few select people ever will.

And so it is with joyful relief that I cast off my attachment to the outcome of this blog and get to the why, as in “why bother?”

This blog will record a journey (my journey, of course!) as I strive to live a life consistent with my values and passions.  Check out my “About me” page for more on what that looks like. 

Only time will tell. 

Welcome to my life.