Diva’s Resurrected: Local Mastermind Group Reconvenes

A few years ago, I and two of my friends decided to form a mastermind group.  (For those who don’t know what this is, I refer you to this site for an explanation.)  Basically, we were three women who had dreams and aspirations, but who wanted “a little something extra” to help us reach those dreams sooner. 

We started meeting every two weeks at various coffee shops.  Each person had 20-30 minutes to report on their progress, specifically addressing their status on concrete goals set by them the previous week.  It gave us something invaluable – accountability!  (Also known as “a swift kick in the pants!”)  When it was working well, it was fabulous, and we all made great strides towards our goals. 

Unfortunately, life kind of got in the way earlier this year and we stopped meeting.

Thankfully, as of this morning, we managed to fire it back up!  And this time we have at least one new member, possibly two, which will only make the experience that much richer.

I thought I was doing pretty well on my own, but the group reminded me of several things that I had forgotten needed doing.  As soon as I got back to my office, I had a burst of productivity, and I remembered why we had started the group in the first place. 

If you have big audacious goals, but you aren’t progressing as quickly as you’d like, consider starting a Mastermind Group of your own.  It’s not nearly as hard as you might think – all you need are a few friends, colleagues, or even acquaintances who also have big dreams.  

Think about it…  and then do something about it!