Mystery job: Clue #5

I’m a mom.  I have two fabulous kids whose adorableness enticed me to give up a big, fat paycheck just to stay home with them.  Power suits gave way to playdates.  Sit down restaurants gave way to drive-thrus and happy meals.  High speed Internet gave way to dial up (ack!). 

Wait a minute, what was I thinking? 

Oh yeah, I was thinking about sleeping past 5am.  I was thinking about hanging out with my kids, watching them grow and learn and change.  I was thinking about my life’s priorities.  And I haven’t regretted my decision for a moment.  (Disclaimer: I am in no way implying that my decision is the right decision for everyone, merely that it worked well for me.)

Fast forward to today. 

My kids are in school full time, leaving me with a bit of time on my hands.  Time which could be spent earning a paycheck.  I tried teaching a Communication course at the local community college.  But although I loved teaching, the grading load killed me.  My little part time job, with its little part time paycheck,  had me telling my kids “Sorry, Mommy can’t play right now.  I have to grade papers.”  I retired after two semesters. 

In pondering my next career move, I was determined to think it through more carefully.  My next job (and I would have another job, or so I was informed) would need to allow for total flexibility.  It had to let me set my own hours (when the kids are in school or asleep), and also let me take off whenever the kids are off (for holidays, summer break, or sickness).  I was completely inflexible about this: my next job had to have complete flexibility.

And that’s your  next clue:  My new career will allow me total and complete flexibility in setting my schedule.

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